Tuesday, December 20, 2016

BE SMART in choosing your Enterprise Data Center

When it comes to your company data center development, you need it perfect, riskless, in high performance, continuous connectivity, supportive, etc..

However take a minute and think about it:

1.      Do you really need it such big?

2.      Do you really need it that expensive?

3.      Do you really consider the running cost?

4.      Do you really consider your business needs?

5.      Will it be really benefit for you?

A lot of questions and lot of consideration should take place before you will decide what Data Center you need or even to let the others consulate you.

It’s not about certifications neither about standards or size or newfangled, it’s about your company and your business need, where your first consideration should be about your IT strategy and how much your IT is critical for your continuous work, the data center exists to support your IT strategy, which in turn supports your Business needs.

TIER Classification or BICSI Classes doesn’t mean that the highest you go the better you get, it can mean but not only, the higher you go the better redundancy you get, and from here you can start,

1.      Does your business need that level of redundancy?!

2.      Does your IT strategy afford the related high cost?!

3.      Does your business continuity need live system?!

4.      How much stop working for few hours will affect your business?!

For example, a Real Estate Company business need is much different than a BANK business need, and the importance level of their live systems is much different, so the BANK need a high level of redundancy where the Real Estate Company can accept low or medium level of redundancy.

Your business need is the prime factor, and the importance of being live is one of your business need, you know today business need, but you need to expect as well your future business need and accordingly you can decide.

Having the initial needs wrong or false expectation for your future requirements can be very costly for you not only on a CAPEX level but as well on the OPEX level.

Another factor is your budget, can your business really afford the related cost of the data center, budget can be some time the prime factor from where you should begin, however small budget doesn’t mean that you can’t get your required data center, but it can be the factor maybe to split the execution of your data center into phases, you don’t need to get your optimal data center from day one, you can begin with your critical needs and upgrading later based on your budget and your need.

So Always BE SMART in Choosing your Enterprise Data Center.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Deforestation Solution

Despite the myriad passive impacts of Deforestation from Pollution, to erosion, and not ending by vanishing the habitat of both terrestrial and aquatic, however the logging is the main source for an array of products used by human being, thus finding solutions to prevent these impact is extremely important.
Organizing the logging by areas and planning schedules in addition to imposing a forestation law for the logged area will minimize certainly the passive impacts.
Specify protectress habitats inhibits extinction of rare life form of vegetation, terrestrial, and aquatic, as well protect the healthy forest ecosystem and atmosphere.
Soil is an important element for forestation and many other life forms of insects and worms, protecting soil of the logged area will help keeping the environment of these life forms and the growing of new plants; Structuring barriers along rivers, as well planting grass all over the logged area prevent erosion and defend against air pollution.
Convert the logged area into national parks or touristic health resorts help keeping healthy environment as well will be an interested place for the persons seeking for quite countryside, such conversion will not only inhibit the passive impact of deforestation but it will encourage peoples to perform physical activities and spending time in nature.
Forest present a strong source of environment defense, preventing forests should be priority for all countries' governments, responsible and organized logging will insure the protection of forests for the future generations.